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Item Details

Applications of the Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders 2017

David H. Barlow , Todd J. Farchione

Product details

 ISBN: 9780190255541
 Format: Paperback
 Category: Psychology

AU $59.46 

Product description

Recent conceptualization of anxiety, depressive, and related "emotional" disorders emphasize their similarities rather than their differences. In response, there has been a movement in recent years away from traditional disorder-specific manuals for the treatment of these disorders and toward treatment approaches that focus on addressing psychological processes that appear to cut across disorders. These "transdiagnostic" evidence-based treatments may prove to be more cost efficient and have the potential to increase availability of evidence-based treatments to meet a significant public health need. Among clinicians, the Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders (UP), developed by Dr. David Barlow and colleagues, is the mostrecognizable and widely used transdiagnostic treatment protocol with empirical support for its use.