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Item Details

Care in Nursing: Principles, Values and Skills 2012

Wilfred McSherry (Editor); Rob McSherry

Product details

 ISBN: 9780199583850
 Category: Nursing & an

RRP: AU $55.95 
Our Price: AU $47.56 

Product description

Care in Nursing addresses the fundamental caring principles, values, and skills nurses require to provide sound care to their patients and to meet the challenges of nursing in the future. Exploring essential knowledge and competencies, the authors explore research, evidence and real life practice before outlining practical skills which will empower nurses to deliver quality care. Written by nurses and health professionals from both practice and academia, Care in Nursing explores how care underpins every element of nursing including: patient centred care, cultural diversity, sociology, psychology, communication, partnership working, law and ethics, management and leadership, and more.