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Item Details

Mosby's Assessment Memory NoteCards : Visual Mnemonic and Memory Aids for Nurses 2nd Edition 2010

JoAnn Zerwekh ; Tom Gaglione

Product details

 ISBN: 9780323067454
 Edition: 2
 Format: Paperback

AU $34.81 

Product description

Use this set of colorful cards to review concepts in physical examination and health assessment! With 80 full-color cartoons covering key concepts, Mosby's Assessment Memory NoteCards, 2nd Edition uses humor and mnemonics to make studying easier and more fun. These durable, detachable cards are useful in preparing for the NCLEX or classroom exams, as a clinical reference, for writing care plans, or for patient teaching information. Created by nursing educators JoAnn Zerwekh, MSN, EdD, RN, and Tom Gaglione, RN, MSN, this convenient study tool may be used as either a spiral-bound notebook or as individual flashcards.Key Features 80 full-color illustrated mnemonics cover key assessment procedures and tips.Sturdy, spiral-bound cards offer durability as well as portability.Colored tabs make it easy to find topics.Concise What You Need to Know monographs on each card provide more detailed information and specific nursing implications.